Sunday, 20 February 2011

The home education journey

It looks like we are firmly on the path of Home Education, it sort of follows from the Attachment Parenting and the Continuum Concept. I feel that 4 is too young for my children to spend 6 hours a day away from me and that no teacher knows them and loves them like I do. Even the best teacher in the world (and I was in this profession for 10 years) will have a classroom to look after and cannot consider what is best for my children alone, their needs and preferences will have to take second place to the needs and interests of the group and the national curriculum.
They are so lovely and have an amazing love of discovery and learning, it would be sad if this was taken away from them to force them to fit in with what the government has decided they should know and do at a certain age, I wish for them to learn at their own pace and enjoy the learning process, not think that learning is boring or hard work to be avoided at all costs.
I have found that there is lots for them to do socially in the area where we live, there is a thriving home ed community and we are friends with the people who run the local authority youth and play scheme, so there will be no shortage of occasions for them to make friends and meet with other children.

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