Thursday, 16 December 2010

No nursery for us

I had a conversation recently with a friend who told me I am entitled to 15 hours free of charge for Mr Toddler to attend preschool when he is 3 years old (in January) so she thought it would be nice for me to have a few hours a day to myself. Friends and family in Italy have also mentioned that it's time he was in nursery (just a few hours in the morning) and that he would probably enjoy it.
Well, I don't feel the same. Everyone who has given me this information and advice is very sweet and means well but I just don't want him to go to nursery, preschool, whatever, to be honest I'll struggle when he has to go to school!
Why? Two reasons. The first is me! I absolutely love his company, he's a wonderful little person and I don't like it when he's not around, he is very good at independent play and I have never had trouble doing housework, reading, computer work, whatever, with him in the house. In fact he often follows me around and tries to help (even if it's blowing bubbles when I do the washing up). So what are all these things that I need to do on my own? I'm not sure, I've taken the little ones pretty much everywhere I needed to go. And luckily I don't need to go back to work right now.
The second is that I think he's too young to be on his own, yes he loves playing with other kids and group activities but we do something like this every day (playgroups, swimming, activity groups) and if he gets upset or hurts himself I am there for him, I can't imagine him getting upset and me not being there. Yes he will be looked after, but just looked after, no one there will love him and cherish him. So I think this is what it comes down to, like Mr Winnicott said, children need to feel like little gods to build up good self esteem, they need to feel that the world is a safe and comfy place where all their needs are met, when they grow up they will find that it's probably not so nice, but they will carry that peaceful inner world with them and it will help in times of stress.
And who else is going to give Mr Toddler all this? Not some stranger as qualified and sweet as she might be, I feel that we are still very much attached to each other, when the time comes to move apart it will happen naturally, but for the time being me and Mr Toddler as still very much rowing the same boat.

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