Thursday, 6 October 2011

The telly has gone on holiday

I've been reminded today that people actually read and like this blog so I apologize for being very slack, it's a combination of extreme tiredness (my two small people are still not sleeping properly) and the fact that for the time being I'm not using computers during the day. This is because Reuben was getting very intense and weird with using the laptop and my ipad, as well as watching a lot of tv, I think he was having some trouble dealing with some things here at home and was escaping to a world much easier to control (the computer or the dvd player). So we are having a break from all of them, no telly or computers at all for the kids and the laptop for me just in the evening. The difference is astounding! Reuben's insomnia seem to have disappeared and the general bickering and bossing people around (and I'm talking about Reuben, even though you might see the similarities with your here writer...) is also a lot less, the children now spend the day playing, using their imagination, exploring, singing and dancing, making stuff and asking lots of questions. It's a lot more full-on for me as I don't get a break now at all (when Isaac had a nap, Reuben would play with the ipad while I had a coffee and used my computer, that is no more!) but it's worth it as I spend less energy managing wild creature behaviour ;) and sleep better. Some people have suggested we have special times in the day when they can watch tv but that would go against my child led philosophy, you either give them something (and let them manage it) or you don't. Can you imagine trying to enforce such a rule on Reuben? God help us!! Sorry Reuben your 20 minutes are up, you have to turn the ipad off now... screaming ensues, the ipad would probably end up flying through the room... and you know what? That's how I would behave if someone gave me something then took it away.

And changing the subject entirely, we spent a nice couple of weeks in Italy recently. Here's a great picture Martin took of me and the boys with my sister and her brood.

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