Monday, 27 June 2011

Hooray for Fish!

After a mini disaster with our fish tank we are back on track! Unfortunately we lost 3 Swordtails, 2 males and a female and a Plec. The reasons were mixed and my local pet shop was very helpful but not with the right advice so it took me a few weeks to understand what was going wrong, just through trial and error, I feel really really bad about losing the fish that died as I feel it was my responsibility, it is my first tank and was a bit lost... The main problems were: wrong location (the conservatory was too hot in the day and too cold at night, also the great amount of light was causing algae to form), crap heater (they sold us a heater with too low a voltage and it couldn't cope), and a very aggressive male which stressed out the other fish. So we are now left with the original aggressive male and two pineapple swordtail females which are much larger than the male and can't be bullied :) they have been moved to the lounge, Isaac keeps trying to feed them rice cakes and peanuts but it's a good location, and I got a thermometer and a new heater.

Thursday, 23 June 2011


We love the Lake District and recently spent a very nice weekend there, here are some pictures:

At the Beatrix Potter Centre, Reuben taking a picture of me taking a picture of him under Peter Rabbit!

Lake Windermere and yes, that it a pushchair you see! Nearly 14 kilos of baby + tired toddler + picnic was too much for me to carry...